Chill Boys Boxers

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. Check 'Em Boys!

Panda wearing Chill Boys Boxers

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated in April of each year

About Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in men ages 15-35 years, but men of all ages can be at risk.

Testicular cancer is of special concern to young men. It’s less common in middle-aged and older men. Caucasian men are about 5 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than African American men. The rate among Hispanic men lies between those of African Americans and Caucasians.

In the U.S., over 8,500 cases are diagnosed each year, and almost 400 males die of testicular cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the average age of diagnosis is about age 33.

Most testicular cancer awareness organizations recommend that males conduct regular self-exams. Instructions for self exams can be found here.

You can learn more about testicular cancer at the Men’s Health Resource Center.

Here is a great list of additional resources: 

Men’s Health Network
Men’s Health Network is dedicated to promoting testicular cancer awareness through community outreach, workplace, and faith-based activities, online health information, and educational products and programs.

Save The Doodads
Save the Doodads is dedicated to fighting testicular cancer through health education and promotion, early detection methods, and advocacy. 

Men’s Health Initiative
Promotes awareness of testicular cancer through research and advocacy. … more

Mr Testicles
Is the founding Charity champion for the Male Cancer Awareness Campaign. His job is to raise awareness and reduce embarrassment of Testicular Cancer.

Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation
Fights testicular cancer through awareness and outreach, promoting the importance of monthly self-exams for early detection, support and guidance to patients and families.

Testicular Cancer Canada
Dedicated to giving men the tools to catch testicular cancer early, while acting as a support community for those who are and have been affected through our awareness & educational programs.

Testicular Cancer Foundation
Provides education and support to young men to raise awareness about testicular cancer,

Testicular Cancer Society
Dedicated to increasing awareness and education about the disease and providing support for fighters, survivors and caregivers.

Your Privates
An Orchid campaign. Orchid exists to save men’s lives from testicular, prostate and penile cancers through a range of support services, pioneering research and promoting awareness.

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